OFF: Hendrixy things

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Mon Apr 11 10:50:56 EDT 2005

On 11/04/2005 15:01, Jon Jarrett wrote re Hendrix's _First Rays_:
>         Speaking as a crazed fan, I think you should definitely get the
> whole album because it's got some great stuff on it, most especially the
> title track but a bunch of others too. It's very much as if the Hendrix
> family gathered up all the posthumous releases, put the best stuff onto
> that disc (_First Rays of the New Rising Sun_) and then piled the rest
> onto _South Saturn Delta_ for the hardcore fans only.
>         But you as I recall don't have _Axis_ and that's something you
> should really sort out first! :-)

Yeah, I'm still not sure which Axis is the right Axis.  What are the
details for the most recent UK (Experience Hendrix?) reissues?

Well, in any case, both can be had pretty cheaply on, so
I'll have to add them to the list of "stuff to get" when I have the
cash, Marshall buoys, and Fender controls ....


Carl Edlund Anderson
mailto:cea at

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