New Single...

Nick Lee nick.lee2 at VIRGIN.NET
Sat Aug 6 10:26:20 EDT 2005

As I replied on the other list, they will despatch separately if asked
(they are with mine) but it'll cost more postage.  I expect the sale
will count at the point they charge you which I'd imagine they'd do as
soon as they can (i.e. on release date).

I have one version of the single on order from Amazon (for immediate
despatch) and the other to pick up at HMV on release day (hoping that
advance orders might prompt the store to get more copies in - not
everybody who sees the publicity we've been trying to generate will have
the means, or the inlcination, to order online).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On Behalf Of GutterCat at AOL.COM
> Sent: 06 August 2005 15:00
> Subject: New Single...
> As it is the case with Amazon that they will despatch the
> single and the album together, does this mean that the sale
> for the single will only go through when they do this? I
> don't know if they take the money for the order now or just
> before they send it. If they do it later it will affect the
> possible chart placing. Steve.

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