The true sprit of Hawkwind

Paul Mather paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU
Fri Jul 22 10:21:19 EDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 12:02 +0100, Maxine Wesley wrote:
> > From:    Paul Mather <paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU>
> > Subject: Re: NIK - Space Ritual
> >
> > I admit I did chuckle at people decrying "heresy!" at the mere thought
> > of Space Ritual doing what they are doing, mainly because I remember
> > most folks creaming themselves when the Hawkestra event was announced,
> > and the attendant possibility of a "Lemmy-era" mini-set...
> Of which there is absolutley no comparison!

I agree!  There's absolutely no comparison between a bunch of geezers
trying to revisit a bygone era by playing a set of 1970-72 material,
and, um... a bunch of geezers trying to revisit a bygone era by playing
a set of 1973-75 material.  I mean, they're like, you know, completely
different years for a start... ;-)

(I guess the comparison you're making is that you believe one lot to be
crap, musically, and the other great.  That's a wholly different point
to the one I was making.  Maybe the lesson to be taken away from all of
this is that Lemmy has a free pass to play an oldies set whenever he
wants, but not Nik.:)

> > Cheers,
> > Paul (deftly trying to avoid the True Hawkwind religious wars)
> And failing miserably ;-)

Which is sad, really, because I thought I studiously avoided saying
whether I thought Space Ritual sounded like a load of toss or not.  (I
was musing on some apparent double standards on display, and the
fundamental right to exist of a Hawkwind tribute band.)  But, I must
remember that for some in this Dave/Nik schism, "if you're not with us
you're against us," and so failing to damn one side might label me as an
avid supporter of the other (especially in the eyes of someone who had
recently suffered an embarrassingly crap gig by one of the sides---just


e-mail: paul at

"All will pay who disagree with me!"
     --- Steppenwolf, "Don't Step on the Grass, Sam"

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