dr. who
Nick Medford
nickmedford at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 17 17:57:20 EST 2005
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 19:45:50 -0000, Ian Abrahams
>Nick, You Are Joking! High Praise! Peter Davison the best Doctor Who!
>It's a fan thing, perhaps - I guess Davison is more popular with the
>than with the public at large
Really? I didn't know he was held in high esteem by the hardcore fans.
Can't see it myself, but maybe that's why I never became a hardcore fan.
He's certainly a good actor, but I just had this concept of Dr Who as an
eccentric, wily old bird- the first 4 were all like that in their own way-
and I suppose he didn't fit my preconceived notion of the character. He
just looked too young. That's probably a very unfair reason to criticise
him, but then irrational prejudice is at the root of most personal-taste
issues, I guess.
I'm actually on quite dodgy ground here, as the more I think about it I
suspect I watched very little of the Peter Davison era, or any other post-
Tom Baker series. I do remember watching about 10 minutes of Sylvester
McCoy as the Dr, and feeling outraged at this feeble travesty of my
cherished childhood memories- don't tell me the Whovians dig Sylvester too,
it can't be the case, surely??
But Christopher Eccleston could be very good indeed. Here's hoping..
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