dr. who
Nick Medford
nickmedford at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 28 15:38:00 EST 2005
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 16:05:23 +0100, David and Manami Greenhalgh
<greenhalgh.david at NTLWORLD.COM> wrote:
>I wouldn't be so sure. the Radio Times carries a teaser along the lines
>of in Episode (something - I forget) The Doctor meets someone he
>thought was long dead. Surely either Davros or The Master?
Well, one thing the Beeb has said is that the Daleks will be back in the
near future, so maybe Davros will be with them.
Although, wasn't there once an adventure where the Master collaborated with
the Daleks?
Anyway... I watched it too and, even as someone who fell out of love with it
at least twenty years ago, I felt a certain amount of childlike excitement
about the whole thing. I enjoyed it while I was watching it, looking back on
it I certainly agree that too much was crammed in to 45 minutes and
certainly the plot development and characterisation suffered, but still, it
was several light years ahead of watching Sylvester McCoy confront a giant
liquorice all-sort. I'm still not quite sure I have a sense of how Chris
Ecclestone's going to play the part - the one-liners were quite good (I
particularly liked "The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get
through that door, and believe me they've tried")- but the goofy smile and
blank expression seemed a bit too unvarying. But we'll see.
Regarding nods to other sci-fi: the scene in the restaurant where the
Auton's hands turn into axes (if you can have plastic axes) was surely
cribbed from Terminator 2, while the trailer for next week's episode looked
highly reminiscent of The Restaurant at the end of the Universe.
BTW- I know it's always been easy to pick holes in Dr Who plotdevices, but
*surely* Rose would have noticed her boyfriend's transformation?
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