HW: Off The Tracks

Rik Rx hw at CY-B.ORG
Sun Sep 4 06:41:45 EDT 2005

Hi all

Just got back from 'off the tracks' and I really felt compelled
to make this post. I never make posts on the band's performancce,
as I'm not sure of the validity of comments coming from 'the other
side of the wire', as people will always be cautious of a degree
of nepotistic bias in such posts, however.....

I HAVE to say this, in all my 33 years of attending innumerable
HW gigs, last night's just blew me away. I don't say this lightly,
as in my privalaged position as the band's webmaster I get to go
to most gigs, and as such you'd have thought I'd seen it all...
How wrong I was. The set at OTT was a bit 'loose' (for want of a better
term) for the first three or so numbers due to no soundcheck and a
few 'tecchie' probs, but when it all came together.... Well I really can't
find the words, god knopws what the non-HW fans in the audience must have
thought. (Actually I do know, they were *very* vocal about it after the
gig). Fleece did a brilliant job on sound in such an unusual venue (a large
marquee) & Neil, Marie & John of Chaos Illuminations pulled out all the
stops to give one of the best lightshows I have witnessed too, which only
compounded the quality of the gig. (I hope my pictures will do them
justice, I'll be posting them on MC asap).

Driving home at 4am - I played the new album three times in all (yes
there are certain privilages in my position - but i *did* do some of the
layout and artwork on it), and once again, I came to realise exactly
WHY I got involved with the band in the first place. All I can tell you
is that this album is gonna blow your socks off - it's beyond excellent,
and well worth the wait ! At the risk of turning this into an advert, if
you haven't ordered the album already do it NOW ! You really need this in
your collection !!!

Like I said, there will be people who see this post is biased. Perhaps it
is, but all I can say is go see the band if you can (new gigs being set up
as we speak), and listen to the new album. Once you do, I can guarantee
that you'll feel the same way too !!!


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