Off The Tracks
Chaos Illumination
Chaosillumi at CHAOSILLUMI.F9.CO.UK
Sun Sep 4 09:08:40 EDT 2005
Hi all,
Just got back from Off The Tracks - great weekend as Rik so eloquently
describes. In addition, the campsite was very chilled, lovely staff and all
the in-house crew and organisers deserve a big thank you for all their
The set list was - if I remember correctly
The Right Stuff,
Sword of the East
Greenback Massacre
7 By 7
Out Here We Are
Angela Android
Assault and Battery
Golden Void
Where Are They Now
Psychedelic Warlords
Brainstorm - Dumpy as guest
Spirit of the Age
Silver Machine - Dumpy as guest
I do have a feeling that this may not be quite in the right order, but it's
been a very long weekend. What with the launch party on Thursday, setting
up the lightshow on Friday and Saturday for the gig and then rolling into
bed at about 5 this morning my memory may not be quite what it should be. A
most enjoyable weekend in many many ways.
And to answer another question posed by Stephe - if you are referring to the
lady in the pink skirt and coloured hair in the photograph - then that would
be me. I have probably sold you a t-shirt in the past if you have been to
any gigs in the UK in the last 10 years as I have pretty much helped run
merchandise with Kris for a very long time now. I am also one third of
Chaos Illumination and run the video projections throughout the Hawks shows
along with Neil (in the same photo wearing a Strange Daze t-shirt) and John
running strobes / opti lighting. If I only looked vaguely familiar that is
because I was in normal dress mode and not 'Hawkwind' mode :-) Of course -
if you are referring to someone else then I don't know who she is:-)
Marie (Chaos Illumination)
----- Original Message -----
From: "bernhard.pospiech" <bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE>
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Off The Tracks
> Hello Rik
> Thanks for this short review.
> I am sure you have seen a great gig.
> But to make things clearer, a full track list would be VERY helpful !!!!
> Thanks
> Bernhard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET]
> Behalf Of Rik Rx
> Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 12:42 PM
> Subject: HW: Off The Tracks
> Hi all
> Just got back from 'off the tracks' and I really felt compelled to make
> post. I never make posts on the band's performancce, as I'm not sure of
> validity of comments coming from 'the other side of the wire', as people
> will always be cautious of a degree of nepotistic bias in such posts,
> however.....
> I HAVE to say this, in all my 33 years of attending innumerable HW gigs,
> last night's just blew me away. I don't say this lightly, as in my
> privalaged position as the band's webmaster I get to go to most gigs, and
> such you'd have thought I'd seen it all...
> How wrong I was. The set at OTT was a bit 'loose' (for want of a better
> term) for the first three or so numbers due to no soundcheck and a few
> 'tecchie' probs, but when it all came together.... Well I really can't
> the words, god knopws what the non-HW fans in the audience must have
> thought. (Actually I do know, they were *very* vocal about it after the
> gig). Fleece did a brilliant job on sound in such an unusual venue (a
> marquee) & Neil, Marie & John of Chaos Illuminations pulled out all the
> stops to give one of the best lightshows I have witnessed too, which only
> compounded the quality of the gig. (I hope my pictures will do them
> I'll be posting them on MC asap).
> Driving home at 4am - I played the new album three times in all (yes there
> are certain privilages in my position - but i *did* do some of the layout
> and artwork on it), and once again, I came to realise exactly WHY I got
> involved with the band in the first place. All I can tell you is that this
> album is gonna blow your socks off - it's beyond excellent, and well worth
> the wait ! At the risk of turning this into an advert, if you haven't
> ordered the album already do it NOW ! You really need this in your
> collection !!!
> Like I said, there will be people who see this post is biased. Perhaps it
> is, but all I can say is go see the band if you can (new gigs being set up
> as we speak), and listen to the new album. Once you do, I can guarantee
> you'll feel the same way too !!!
> Rik
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