eddie jobson eddiejobson at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Sep 12 07:52:14 EDT 2005

Turned up from Amazon this morning and have just listened to it on
headphones at work, not had chance to watch the DVD yet though. My brief
comments would be:

SOTA - Better quality than the single, but nothing like the 1977 original
Out here we are - Nice and mellow (maybe would have been better near the end
of the album?)
Greenback - Bit heavy for more personally
To love a machine - Yeah like it, nice to hear Dave's harmonious vocals and
nice guitar work
TMTYL - Nice music, might have been better with sung rather than spoken
Digital Nation - Excellent, good vocals from Richard
Sunray - Not a fan or Arthur but do like this song nonetheless
Sighs - Bit more of a fill in than a song
Angela Android - Good tune and vocals again, not sure about Lena? Riff
sounds a bit Psych Warlords?
Letter to Robert - Not sure what to make of this one, did they need to fill
the album?

Was a bit dissapointed with the quality of SOTA single studio version, live
one a bit better, Assasins of Allah I liked, but similar to a lot of other
recordings of it, Paradox was a bit different and once again liked Angela

Would give the album a 7/10 I think, not quite reaching the 70's and early
80's levels, but nice to hear some new recorded stuff nonetheless.

My twopenneth.


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