Speaking of filler...

David Kuznick dkuznick at ALUMNI.BRANDEIS.EDU
Wed Sep 14 16:12:20 EDT 2005

or not.

I think I may have brought this up way back in my first BOC-L go-round, but why
on earth does Club Ninja get so much venom spewed at it?  I REALLY like it!
Sure, some of it sounds New Wave influenced, but SO WHAT?  Try throwing out
your assumption of what a BOC disc SHOULD sound like, and *listen* to it.

David Kuznick   dkuznickATalumni.brandeis.edu
"I am the storm that won't be calmed, I am the calm that follows.
I'm in the stars that fill your sky and when I choose,
I'll be in your thoughts, I'll be in your dreams,
all the light you see, all the air you breathe."
Light and Space - THRESHOLD

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