Rejoining yet again

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Mon Sep 19 16:05:45 EDT 2005

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 01:56:11PM -0600, Guido Vacano typed out:
> Now, to be topical (and because I'm curious :-) ), the two new Spirit of
> the Age single CDs contain tracks from the upcoming album, as well as
> other tracks. Are the other tracks available elsewhere, or are some or
> all of them unique to these releases?

        Having grabbed them but not the album yet, I could be wrong, but
that's always a good way to get a response in an online forum... I think
`Spirit of the Age' is the only track that's on the album in the same
version and even then the single version's an edit (not happy with that
fade-in... but anyway). `Angela Android' is there but the single version
is live, and I don't think the `Paradox' is on the album.

        You might think from that that you maybe don't need the first
version but the two live tracks are storming. I would have said there
didn't need to be any more versions of `Assassins of allah' until I heard
this one, but I'll make an exception for it.


> Finally, Star Nation (mentioned by StevePXR5) -- what is that?

        A side project of Richard Chadwick and Jerry Richards back when
Jerry was still in the band, with Steve Taylor and Steve Hayes who played
with HW in the States and New Zealand 1998 sort of time when Ron couldn't
leave the country. There was a self-titled EP with hand-made artwork the
release of which without telling Dave nearly got the two of them fired
from the band, and then a full-length (including a guest appearance from
Ron) called _The Silver Age_ later, after Jerry had in fact been fired or
left, whichever it was. The second one's pretty good, Richard's techno
edge comes through just the right amount and it's pretty intense stuff, if
quite compressed in sound, in an untechnical sense--sounds like
everything's coming through quite a narrow space to reach the
speakers. Also, it has a pop-up picture of the band in the sleeve so
obviously it's great.


ObCD: The Bevis Frond - _What Did For The Dinosaurs_
        Jonathan Jarrett                Birkbeck College, London
                 jjarrett at
  "The large print giveth and the small print taketh away." (Tom Waits)

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