Freeedom of Speech
M Holmes
Tue Feb 7 06:08:33 EST 2006
pete howe writes:
> yes..its a good point.The problem with complete freedom of speech is
> that it can be so easily abused beyond what is regarded as
> acceptable..
"Repatriate all Immigrants!", "Legalise Sex with Six Year Olds!",
"Abolish Religion Now!" - all acceptable. Unpleasant and perhaps
infuriating to hear, but acceptable.
The point about freedom of speech is that speech, no matter how
unpleasant, is acceptable except when it amounts to incitement to crime.
If someone gets obnoxious in use of their freedom or speech, we get to
argue with them or ignore them. We do not get to declare it unacceptable
and ban them. Neither do folks in other countries get to ban speech here.
> such is the sorry nature of some so-called "human
> beings" in reality, complete freedom of speech can never be
> totally justified
Try me. I'll certainly give it a go. Just hold people responsible for
predictable consequences of their speech which are illegal or harmful.
> due to the minority that will abuse it.
It's about as reasonable to fix that problem by limiting freedom of
speech as it is to fix speeding by banning cars.
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