OFF: Freeedom of Speech
M Holmes
Mon Feb 13 12:22:58 EST 2006
Carl Edlund Anderson writes:
> On 13/02/2006 16:35, M Holmes wrote:
> > Carl Edlund Anderson writes:
> >> Mind you, had I been the editor of the Danish newspaper, I might
> >> well have decided running those cartoons might not be in the
> >> interests of the business, regardless of my legal right to do so
> > Which would be self-censorship.
> But it is, after all, my right to censor myself whenever I feel like
> it. I mean, I quite often choose not to say things that I could
> legally say :) I rely on the law to keep other people from choosing
> for me.
Which works fine until a group thinks that it can have you self-censor
the way they want you to my encouraging you to believe that they will
cause you and your head to pursue different careers...
Y'know, it'd be good if those news bods would realise that "Assassins of
Allah" would make the perfect soundtrack to all those flag-burnings.
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