OFF: Freeedom of Speech

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Tue Feb 14 05:35:47 EST 2006

Nick Medford writes:

> >Use a "reasonable man" clause.  Basically if a reasonable man would
> >be expected to forsee certain consequences as a result of their
> >exercise of free speech then those consequences are forseeable.

> This is highly problematic.  For example- once this cartoons furore
> was already underway, would a reasonable man have been expected to
> foresee that reprinting them was likely to inflame the situation
> further (i.e.  bring about an entirely *unreasonable* response from
> large numbers of the offended, a response involving deaths and
> injuries)?

Nope. Generally unreasonable responses are not regarded as forseeable.


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