OFF: DarXtar (was: Circle US tour (with Cul de Sac))

Keith Henderson khenders64 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Mar 9 20:58:47 EST 2006

Stephan Forstner <stemfors at PIPELINE.COM> wrote:    On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:16:53 +0000, Jonathan Jarrett 
>>Darxtar - We Came Too Late
>> I've been wondering about that ever since I saw it, somewhat to
>>my surprise, in's mail-order catalogue. 

>I've only listened to WCTL once, but first impression is that it's much 
>easier to get your head around this one than it was to do so with Tombola, 
>which means that maybe it's less adventurous overall, but it has more of 
>what I want from a spacerock band. Actually WCTL sounds like it should >have come out BEFORE Tombola, because to my ears it sounds very >much like an intermediate step or a cross between the purer spacerock of >SJU and the more progressive song-based stuff on Tombola. 
  What he said.
  Yeah, it's good.  Nice mix of drifty cosmic tunes and a few blangariffic numbers.  It sounds like a compilation of their entire career.  Hope they play live somewhere again.

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