album slagging
Jonathan Jarrett
Thu Mar 30 14:05:32 EST 2006
On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 03:52:51PM +0100, john-paul typed out:
> for all those people who are slagging HW albums, specifically DH &
> IITBOTFTBD, i'm sorry but its a stupid statement to be making. you may
> not like the album in question but someone else may think it's the
> best thing ever. you can say you don't like it but don't slag it off.
> it is the fact that every HW album is different and some old fans may
> not like it but new fans may become involved, that make the hawks such
> an incredible band. IMHO DH is not my favourite album but there are
> many parts of it that are steering towards TMTYL which is a fine
> album. HW are ever evolving and as such there will be peaks and
> troughs, but lets stop the slagging. remember " it is the business of
> the future to be dangerous"
I see the point that one man's meat is another poison, OK, but
there ought somewhere to be room in any critical scheme for the
possibility that such and such an album just wasn't as well done or as
effective a piece of work as another one. Even the Hawks have off days.
In fact, many would say that some of the Hawks best gigs have been their
off days. And then there are the truly *bad* ones where it all just
doesn't work. Same with the albums; DH wasn't finished, and no-one with
the best will in the world could call _Spacebrock_ a fully-conceived
Hawkwind album could they? Some things are worse in some qualities than
other things. However, the scale on which you measure them and the one
I use may not be the same... Yours,
Jon (whose current most-played HW
seems to be WotEoT, ET & TMTYL)
ObCD: Clutch - _Slow Hole to China_
"When fortune wanes, of what assistance are quantities of elephants?"
(Juvaini, Afghan Muslim chronicler, c. 1206)
Jon Jarrett, Fitzwilliam Museum, jjarrett at
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