Mike Burro looking for a gig(s) in England ( 2nd half of August )

Burro Mike sloterdijk at MSN.COM
Thu May 18 15:44:10 EDT 2006

Hi all,
I've been invited to England during the 2nd half of August. it will be a 
very short trip, probably about 5 days total ( meanaing only 3-4 days in 
England itself ). Manyof you know I've been trying to work this out for some 
time and it always falls through. Since I'm working again here in the 
states, I'll be taking off 2-3 days so I would likely leave the U.S. on a 
Thursday and Return the following Monday. Friday, Sat & Sunday would be the 
days for a show..Please drop a line to Sloterdijk at msn.com if you know of a 
venue, festival or event where i might be able to get on the bill...Peace, 
Mike Burro


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