How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk
pete howe
sunboxhouse at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed May 24 07:34:08 EDT 2006
Well, the hawkwind management team have commented in agreement now..and
quite rightly, looks like they wont be doing it again..
>From: Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at CARLAZ.COM>
>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET>
>Subject: Re: How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk
>Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 12:21:28 +0100
>On 24/05/2006 08:37, pete howe wrote:
>>Yes,i find it a little ironic,after weeks of debating the best possible
>>way to get THIS FREE onto your cd/ipod/mp3 blah blah..note that this
>>excellent performance wasnt INTENDED for FREE download,especially as the
>>shortly.They state quite clearly on their website about free
>>downloading/bootlegging/unofficial recording etc, and all you guys
>>generally agreed on the ethics of this some months back..,as the band
>>DOES, at the end of the day, have to make money .., and theres certainly
>>no "download free here" button, because it wasnt intended to be...
>>I enjoy going to the site and listening to it..but as it cuts off halfway
>>through Hassan I Sahba..I think i'll show Dave and the guys some
>>respect,and wait and cough up the money when it comes out OFFICIALLY...
>Well, I absolutely encourage a CD-quality release of this concert
>(hopefully full length since I understand the stream cuts off). And I
>would happily buy a CD or -- better still for myself and the band -- a FLAC
>download. But I see nothing wrong with trying to listen to the *free*
>non-CD quality version in the way which best suits *me*.
>I mean, honestly: I thoroughly understand the sentiments of concern for the
>band. And seriously: My felicitations to all ye who find it easy and
>convenient to listen to the 74 minute stream. That's great. I'm gladdened
>that people have that opportunity
>But it doesn't really work out for me, and I don't see why I shouldn't be
>able to listen to something that is, after all, freely available in the
>manner of *my* choice. Sure, it's intended to stream; but is there a
>license or something somewhere saying "You may only listen to this music if
>you're willing to grind it through your internet connection for an hour or
>so at a go?" If there is, then fine, very well; I'll cease and desist.
>But such conditions would do little to encourage me to a) listen to the
>free version b) buy the full quality release. Surely both those things
>are, to greater or lesser extents, in the band's interest?
>I like Hawkwind. I have bought a lot of Hawkwind recordings. The band in
>its various incarnations and many of its musicians have been a powerful
>musical inspiration to me for many years. Hawkwind says they'll release
>this concert at CD quality and (you'll have to forgive me for not believing
>*everything* the band says about its release plans without reservation ;) I
>hope I have the opporuntity to buy it in a sensible manner. Until then, I
>just hope to be able to listen to the free version (which I am grateful to
>the band for providing) in some way, at all.
> > I just hope i dont see "Roadburn Festival cd-(most of)" on EBAY shortly
>There are lots of bands that permit audience taping but also sell their own
>high-quality live releases via download (not to mention their studio
>recordings on CD and download). I don't recall seeing, for example, lots
>of illegal Gov't Mule CDs on eBay. Isn't it pretty much established that
>if you make things available to people legitmately reasonably then they'll
>go for it? Why would anyone buy an illegal copy if they could get the real
>thing easier (and better)? Where are my 2 CDs worth of totally legitmate
>"Hawkwind @ Roadburn 2006" FLAC downloads from for USD 15?
>Point me to it; I'll buy it!
>Carl Edlund Anderson
>mailto:cea at
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