How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Wed May 24 09:27:31 EDT 2006

Carl Edlund Anderson writes:

> You know, I always used to make my own CD covers for live downloads back 
> when I kept things in jewel cases. (Discs live in binders now, alas!) 
> Heck when I collected Grateful Dead casettes as a teenager (before I 
> even owned a CD or computer) I made my own decorated cassette inserts by 
> hand!  Of course I never sold the recordings.  It goes without saying. 
> That would have violated to spirit of what was going on.  In any case, I 
> think it's *quite* an leap to assume that fans here are making CD case 
> inserts because they want to sell things illegally!

Hell no. I made the first post requesting CD covers because I like to
store them in a way that I can find what I'm looking for. I very much
expect that nobody in the band would be foolish enough to suppose that
there's any intent here to sell on any CD's recorded from the webcast.

> It's clear that fans and the band do not always see eye-to-eye on these 
> kinds of issues.  But I don't think _anyone_ here on BOC-L wants to do 
> anything to damage the band.  (And even if they did, I don't think they 
> would publically *announce* it!)  I think if fans aren't assumed to be 
> The Enemy, things tend to work out very well indeed.  Everyone here 
> wants Hawkwind to do well and make great music, after all.

They could use new fans as well as ourselves. I wonder if those fans
scour record shops or perhaps scour the interweb for music?

> Hawkwind is perfectly entitled to provide a free version of their music 
> to fans and then complain when the fans want to actually listen to it. 
> It seems contradictory and counterproductive to me, but Hawkwind are 
> entitled to do things that seem contradictory and counterproductive. 
> I'm entitled to think they're making a mistake -- but they're entitled 
> to make it.  Freedom is a wonderful thing.

As is Freedom of Trade. A band needs money to keep operating. Now I
happen to like collecting shiny beermats that can make Hawkwind sounds
and have bought all of them that I've ever heard of .

On the other hand, a lot of people with money don't ever use those but
just download to those Ipod thingies. Expanding the market to those
folks could be a Good Thing.


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