How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Thu May 25 08:05:19 EDT 2006

On 25/05/2006 12:38, Jeff Thompson wrote:
> *Any* form of music posted on the net, whether streaming or 
> downloadable, can be burned onto disc.

Likewise any radio broadcast could be recorded onto cassette.  This is 
exactly the same thing, of course; only the delivery and media have 
changed very slightly.

> But the quality of
> the streaming concert isn't even that of a 128k MP3, is it?
> It's not going to be mass-produced by pirates in China or the
> like.

Seems unlikely, especially if the band is going to sell a full quality 
release at a reasonable price!


Carl Edlund Anderson
mailto:cea at

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