OFF:Re: How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

Jerry G jguizar at STNY.RR.COM
Thu May 25 19:51:02 EDT 2006

Jill Strobridge wrote:
> ok  I'm a pedant but surely it needs to be much harder than 
> just-a-click-away?  However I have to confess that although I've seen 
> sites where MP3 tracks were available for payment I've never clicked 
> on one! What actually happens when you do?    Sorry if this sounds 
> stupidly ignorant - it is!  I have never downloaded paid music from a 
> web site and have no idea how you pay the fee!    Replies had better 
> be off- list since this is getting a bit off topic.  

  I've never bought MP3's. With iTunes, I set up an account and then 
when I click Buy Song
or Buy Album, it deducts the money from my paypal/credit card account. I 
imagine the MP3
sites would ask you to create an account or would take you to a 
"checkout" page when you
clicked the song.

  I haven't bought anything compressed in a while - I think the last 
thing was a Widespread
Panic New Years concert only available on iTunes. I prefer to have the 
physical media, that
way I can choose which format and what bitrate I want and I can decide 
where I want to
listen (car, computer, stereo, mp3 player, friends house, etc.)


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