HW: How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sat May 27 09:23:33 EDT 2006

On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 11:12:14AM +0100, Paul Mather typed out:
> Oh, and thanks also for the presumption that those who download this
> stream won't also buy the official release when it comes out.  Kudos for
> the extra hint at the end that people will flog it on eBay, too.

	I'm not saying it'll be anyone here who does it, but I'm sure it 
*will* be on Ebay, and more certainly still on bootleg CD stalls in 
markets across the country before the month is out. The question is 
whether this matters to the band's revenue or not, and really I doubt 
very much that it does. Nobody buys crappy audience recordings or even 
compressed streams who doesn't have the real stuff already, surely? But 
really the band don't need to worry about eBay bandits, because people 
like us will report them. If there's anyone making money out of their 
music that isn't the band it's still the old-style bootleggers. Yours,

"When fortune wanes, of what assistance are quantities of elephants?"
	    (Juvaini, Afghan Muslim chronicler, c. 1206)
 Jon Jarrett, Fitzwilliam Museum, jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk

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