Hall of Fame

David Kuznick dkuznick at ALUMNI.BRANDEIS.EDU
Wed Oct 11 20:25:41 EDT 2006

Ok, we are being silly now.  Now I love Dave Brock and mostly can't
stand Alice Cooper, but I certainly think Alice Cooper is more deserving of Hall
of Fame status than Dave.  As meaningless as that distinction even is, let's at
least be realistic.

Quoting StevePXR5 at AOL.COM:

> A very good question.
> Alice Cooper has not been inducted yet either, and that's not for lack of
> trying!
> Steve.
> In a message dated 10/11/2006 22:03:16 GMT Standard Time,
> m.j.crook at TALK21.COM writes:
> I think  its high time Dave Brock was elected into the
> Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -  how do we get him
> nominated?

David Kuznick   dkuznickATalumni.brandeis.edu
"Saviour of the night came slowly on the silent river, and the lord of life
came following, his sins to be forgiven, while the world sat back and laughed
away the hours, till the dawning of the daybreak."

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