HW: Do Not Panic documentary
pete howe
sunboxhouse at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 2 08:17:08 EDT 2007
i dont blame Brock and co for pulling out.. having watched Turner and his
croney old gang of pub comedians churn out the most awful versions of HW
songs on utube, I cant blame them.
And dont forget, the really bad ole years of 83-84 were mainly due to
Turners comedy performances which made me and my space music mates groan
every time he jumped on stage to ridicule every hawkwind song lyric he could
think of, with his limited spontaneous wit and stupefying intelligence.THAT
WAS NOT hawkwind!As Alan Davey quite rightly pointed out to Dave, after the
Ipswich gig, which i was at , and was recorded for video.The only saviour of
that video/gig was Dave doing psi-power.Turners not a musician, hes not
even funny, and now hes just very sad. He has a presence,yes..but thats all.
>From: M Holmes <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK>
>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET>
>Subject: Re: HW: Do Not Panic documentary
>Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 12:13:22 +0100
>Paul Mather writes:
> > It was a nice documentary on BBC 4. Obviously, footage must be very
> > thin on the ground, because they appeared to recycle the Top of the
> > Pops footage many many times.
>Was that other stuff from the same Dunstable gig or is it Space Ritual era?
> > But, the documentary itself was positive (despite Brock and co.
> > having pulled out) and didn't leave a bad aftertaste in the mouth,
> > unlike, say, the Carol Clerk book did for me. What's more, they
> > showed the Top of the Pops Silver Machine single as a separate short
> > programme afterwards.
>Confirming that we were correct about Dunstable being the time and place
>of the recording.
>Yes, if the Independent article is at all accurate, perhaps Dave, Alan and
>Kris misjudged the intentions of the makers of the documentary, and
>if so, it's a great pity. I guess there's been enough "Are these old
>hippies still at it?" stuff in the press to warrant some suspicion, and
>certainly Clerk's book aired a gigatonne of dirty linen, but as it
>turned out, the heats of these guys were in the right place.
> > Nicely done!
>Indeed. I enjoyed it a lot.
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