Those interested in watching the BBC 4 documentary...

Arin Komins akomins at UCHICAGO.EDU
Mon Apr 2 08:49:23 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2 Apr 2007, Arin Komins wrote:

:Subject: Re: Those interested in watching the BBC 4 documentary...
:Hey folks,
:I've uploaded the documentary for those who need the quick fix and for 
:whom bittorrent isn't an option...
:It's been split into 2 parts, and they are a self-extracting rar file.  
:Windows instructions: Just put the two files in the same directory, 
:doubleclick the *.exe file, and you should be good.
:Unixy types should be able to use rar off the command line, and Mac types 
:can use UnRarX, Rar Expander, or Rar for Mac.
:Part 1 (350 meg):
:Part 2 (250 meg):
:Password is "infinity".
:Keep in mind that megaupload has a bandwidth limit on it (per IP address).  
:If you can download from a different IP do that for the second file.  If 
:not, just wait about 4 hours and try again, and it should now let you grab 
:the second file.
:I'm also hoping to get a mirror for that second file up, but that may take 
:me a bit.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that it's really an avi file :-)

Part 2 is now mirrored here:


Arin Komins			       	      akomins at
Assistant Director - Solutions Architecture
University of Chicago/NSIT/RP&A			tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #428, Chicago, IL 60637	fax: (773)702-0559

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