HW: Do Not Panic documentary
Amphetamine Embalmer
superskrull666 at YAHOO.CO.UK
Mon Apr 2 09:12:11 EDT 2007
probably cause they are both 50s rock n rollers.......
----- Original Message ----
From: eddie jobson <eddiejobson at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Monday, 2 April, 2007 2:58:28 PM
Subject: Re: HW: Do Not Panic documentary
Interesting comments! Can see where you are coming from though. In my
opinion I never rated Nik very much but he was gone by the time I got into
the band in 1977. I can see that he was a useful piece of the puzzle 70-75
but after that I think Dave and Co progressed and moved on but Turner never
did. Strangely enough Lemmy still seems to have some respect for Nik.
>From: pete howe <sunboxhouse at HOTMAIL.COM>
>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET>
>Subject: Re: HW: Do Not Panic documentary
>Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 12:17:08 +0000
>i dont blame Brock and co for pulling out.. having watched Turner and his
>croney old gang of pub comedians churn out the most awful versions of HW
>songs on utube, I cant blame them.
>And dont forget, the really bad ole years of 83-84 were mainly due to
>Turners comedy performances which made me and my space music mates groan
>every time he jumped on stage to ridicule every hawkwind song lyric he
>could think of, with his limited spontaneous wit and stupefying
>intelligence.THAT WAS NOT hawkwind!As Alan Davey quite rightly pointed out
>to Dave, after the Ipswich gig, which i was at , and was recorded for
>video.The only saviour of that video/gig was Dave doing psi-power.Turners
>not a musician, hes not even funny, and now hes just very sad. He has a
>presence,yes..but thats all.
>>From: M Holmes <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK>
>>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET>
>>Subject: Re: HW: Do Not Panic documentary
>>Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 12:13:22 +0100
>>Paul Mather writes:
>> > It was a nice documentary on BBC 4. Obviously, footage must be very
>> > thin on the ground, because they appeared to recycle the Top of the
>> > Pops footage many many times.
>>Was that other stuff from the same Dunstable gig or is it Space Ritual
>> > But, the documentary itself was positive (despite Brock and co.
>> > having pulled out) and didn't leave a bad aftertaste in the mouth,
>> > unlike, say, the Carol Clerk book did for me. What's more, they
>> > showed the Top of the Pops Silver Machine single as a separate short
>> > programme afterwards.
>>Confirming that we were correct about Dunstable being the time and place
>>of the recording.
>>Yes, if the Independent article is at all accurate, perhaps Dave, Alan and
>>Kris misjudged the intentions of the makers of the documentary, and
>>if so, it's a great pity. I guess there's been enough "Are these old
>>hippies still at it?" stuff in the press to warrant some suspicion, and
>>certainly Clerk's book aired a gigatonne of dirty linen, but as it
>>turned out, the heats of these guys were in the right place.
>> > Nicely done!
>>Indeed. I enjoyed it a lot.
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