HW: Do Not Panic documentary

Colin Allen colinjallen at YAHOO.CO.UK
Tue Apr 3 06:27:16 EDT 2007

To turn that argument around and address it from another perspective, one might posit that it might not be Nik who is the problem but Dave.  The argument might be that Dave has an antipathy towards Nik that Nik's presence serves to bring to the fore.
  There are at least two sides to every story.

M Holmes <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK> wrote:
  Stephen Swann writes:

> You know, I see this Turner that you describe showing up on
> videos and such, but when my wife and I saw him some years
> ago touring in the States, he was downright gentlemanly -
> gracious, even. At the end, he bowed and thanked the
> audience for attending and all! It was the second time my
> wife had seen him, and she loved both shows that she's seen.
> Adn the guys backing him (on that tour at least) were
> anything but pub comedians...

That he can be a polite and courteous guy is undoubted. That when he
gets into Hawkwind, he sooner or later seems to want to tweak Dave's
nose and then really drive him mad is also very apparent. He's always
been the agent of his own misfortune in that regard. Quite what drives
it all, I have no idea.


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