[GGCoolPeopleTalk] Slain Israeli Professor Saved Others in Va. Tech Massacre
M Holmes
Fri Apr 20 12:06:13 EDT 2007
> I do stand corrected about this latest nutcase. He had some
> psychological problems I wasn't aware of when I made my original post.
> But by the same token, he was deemed to be not a threat to anyone
> else.
> And you'd never get away with denying the Second Amendment rights of
> anyone who's been clinically deemed not dangerous. Lawsuit, lawsuit,
> lawsuit.
This is what yanks call me a "gun banner": I reckon that someone's doc
should get to say "no" to the application form.
> The unscientific basis for my position is the fact that you just never
> see stories with the headline "armed man stops crime".
I get those half a dozen a day on Libernet. The meedja don't print 'em
though. When that out-of-state cop stopped the would-be rampage killer
in the mall by ventilating him, the papers in the Yookay sinmply omitted
that detail in favour of "the cops" stopping him.
> I remember an episode of "All in the Family" where Archie got to do an
> opinion piece on the evening news. His solution to airline hijackings
> was to "arm all the passengers".
I'm in favour of that. It worked in Israel. I think The Rules state
quite firmly that a Glock trumps a boxcutter.
> It was supposed to be a joke, obviously, but there are still people
> who think that way.
Yo dood! (*)
* and no, people do not get sucked out of the bulletholes. See
Mythbusters for details, or if you prefer, the plane out of Hawaii that
became an impromptu convertible and still landed with all but nine of
the passengers.
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