Fwd: FW: [Hawkwind] GET NAKED FOR CHRISTMAS/ NO!! please keep clothed!!!!

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sat Dec 22 11:14:15 EST 2007

gmoin!!  , another stolen post from my end.......just wanted to say thanks
for the tip of new mission control updates, my damned semi-friend with a bad
religion apparently screwed up the setting on my microsoft password, and I
want to kill him for the zillioneth time, as I'm an idiot with few actual
friends since I draw a check, live pretty free, have no car (the clencher),
and don't know how to mess with this archaic computer
anyway,some answers:  Dave hasn't approached Trev most likely because of
Nik, if not other personal reasons
we're hopijng that may change some day, as Trev has officially applied for
Hawkwind now, through me......let's hope Nik realises Trev is gaining
momentum...............(if nothing else so Trev gets to live a happier
life).....further, when I speak with friends on the phone (you can
guess)....I am ever positive and hopeful where HW is concerned, you cannot
pin them down.....anyway, quite amused to see the use of computer blamed on
Alan, and I still say Hawkwind are about to rip it up!!!!!  I guess this
might be a nice time to see if there is any way to play Starfield's terribly
cool-looking oddity CD I just finally got that I was supposed to have had
years ago...happy tweakend
*From:* Hawkwind at yahoogroups.com [mailto:Hawkwind at yahoogroups.com]*On Behalf
Of *vin.ry at tiscali.co.uk
*Sent:* Thursday, December 20, 2007 10:43 AM
*To:* Hawkwind at yahoogroups.com
*Subject:* Re: [Hawkwind] GET NAKED FOR CHRISTMAS

 This CD hasn't been off my player or out of the car since in arrived
(Thanks Trev!).  It's fantastic and white hot.  This is space-(punk) rock as
it should be.  It'll make you laugh like when you get off at the end of
roller-coaster ride! If you have fond memories of such as the early Damned,
Motorhead, ICU etc and want Hawkwind (style) with attitude it's the CD for
you.  Be warned though that Trev picked the title for this release carefully
- Naked it certainly is - listening to this you get the feeling you're stood
in the middle of the stage during the gig.  If you love warts 'n' all live
as-it-happened recordings then this has to be an essential purchase, if not
don't touch it with a barge pole! *****(HE'S LYING!!!  BUY TEN AND GIVE 9
AWAY!!!  teehee, mc)*****(I'm kidding, I'l kidding,******

Sorry if I'm getting a bit carried away here, but I love this CD.  One final
thing though it does beg the question why DB has never come knocking on
Trev's door?

----- Original Message -----

*From:* sonic_judge54 <judge54 at hotmail.co.uk>
*To:* Hawkwind at yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Friday, December 07, 2007 4:11 PM
*Subject:* [Hawkwind] GET NAKED FOR CHRISTMAS



get it here:


£7.99 + shipping

Here you have it... The original Space Ritual...Hawkwind's Nik Turner
fronting, Judge Trev (Inner City Unit) on lead guitar, Tommy Grenas who went
on to form the mighty Farflung on rhythm guitar along with Paul Fox on Bass,
the stunning percussionist Jo Blake, Inner City Unit's Commander Jim Hawkman
on Synthesizer, and the Royal College of Music's Rik Welsh on trumpet.
"Trumpet in Space Rock" you say, yes folks, this is how it's done. The first
thing you will realise about this band, is that they are a combo which sets
rather than follows trends.

*and maintained by Hawkwind fans!
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