(OFF)Re: Astoria last night

Albert Bouchard albert at CELLSUM.COM
Wed Dec 26 18:34:35 EST 2007

fellas… please take bill's advice. as someone who has spent most of my  
(before even) adult life in bars playing for people, you don't want to  
know my opinion of those assholes who think it's their right to blow  
their carcinogenic smoke in your face just because you're getting paid  
by them. just don't go there!!!!!
On Dec 26, 2007, at 6:20 PM, mike coleman wrote:

> (re; Bill Stewart)((<*>))Blame your buddies on the Left for this  
> crap..all
> the Libs have grown  up and
> only they know the price of overindulgence so now NO ONE can  have any
> fun...f**king hipocrites. All that I know is that when Maggie and   
> ronnie
> were
> running the show, we were doin lines off the bar, take a look   
> around ya
> now...can't do this..can't do that. The Libs want to keep you
> alive  forever, all the
> more time for them to tell you exactly how to conduct your   
> life...see ya
> got me
> started.....doh
> bill ((<*>))
> Eric's back, he's got a huge gash on a front leg........I trust NO ONE
> anymore...I knew it....anyway Robin, modern-day hippie/hippy (she  
> says)
> thinks (your comments)..are brilliant....
> looks like xmas killed a few......good (and Robin thinks it saved a  
> few too,
> dohh) ;-(
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