(OFF)Re: Astoria last night

Albert Bouchard albert at CELLSUM.COM
Wed Dec 26 20:07:20 EST 2007

There are so many things that the government tells us what we should   
and can not do. Don't be a knee-jerk reactionary. This is one thing  
the government has gotten right. Let's applaud them and get on with  
legalizing weed.
PS I totally don't get the need to feel superior but most people have  
it I think.

On Dec 26, 2007, at 7:46 PM, vzenv14m wrote:

> Hey friends,
> Although I get sick from second hand smoke, I don't think it's  
> necessarily
> right to ban the cancer death sticks in clubs, drinking and smoking go
> together, besides, the smoke makes for good cover.  I just have to  
> wash my
> hair and clothes after spending a night in a bar with smoke. My  
> concert for
> musicians is that people won't come out to shows if they can't light  
> up. I
> was surprised in PA this past summer, since in MA the state  
> government has
> made it illegal to smoke in bars, the people never had a say.  I  
> want to
> have clean air, to breathe, but don't believe it should be mandated  
> by the
> government.  This is a tricky  one for me, since the cigarette smoke
> honestly does make me sick, I am a liberal, but I'm also into good  
> health,
> and I'm the last person to support any kind of Big Brother thing.
> "Tell St. Peter at the golden gate that he's gonna have to wait  
> 'cause you
> grotto have another cigarette"
> Kaduflyer

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