1972 BBC HW Freakout on CDR

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 5 08:17:26 EDT 2007

Boc-L figurehead wrote:

>I'm interested.
I think you'll like it mike.....
unfortunately my "new" friend Sam, who hates people (including himself, I
suspect), thinks his time collecting movies and music renders him too busy
for "psychic vampires" such as myself who have no mom (he's 57), and no
money "scam" going, to be bothered with me ......he'd be perfect to burn the
CDR.....I'll do my damdest meantime, but I will see him at the end of month
I will send it to you with lightning speed as soon as I get it made (and I
ps-he thinks HW sucks (because they are rock), he's a (retired) Jazz drummer
with WAYYYYY too many cymbals.....
he likes Gong, Gentle Giant, John Zorn,,,,,,,,
I caught him with a snapper reissue of OT "Jurassic Shift" in his car that
he tried to say I gave him, and probably didn't remember doing so (I ate all
his Klonopin)...but it's bullshit......that CD has a bonus track.......if he
does anything like that again
*HE's DEAD!!!  no more Sam*
*and for the record, to any doubters.....Brenda Johns, the lady who's
fingers did the typing and work selling my Hawkwind + related collection on
eBay....she's DEAD!!! (would only be about 44 or 45 now)*
*too bad, so sad*

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