HW: "Don't Be Donkish"

Amphetamine Embalmer superskrull666 at YAHOO.CO.UK
Wed Mar 7 16:19:37 EST 2007

So any UKers care to provide me with an answer to THIS: just what is this HAWKWIND track all about then?? Should I be Paranoid that meeting Alan Davey in Bergen last year when HAWKWIND played with Enslaved and WE should make me particularly  Donkish??  And what does "Donkish" mean?? Does it mean like "WANNABEE" ??? Then I for sure WON't BE DONKISH..... Any Englishmen care to comment on what excactly Hawkwind are blathering on about?? I have the CD/DVD of Take Me To Your Future but have feared popping on "DONT BE DONKISH" in case there is some sort of OLD FARTING conspiracy at CAMEBRIDGE going on! 

"ikke vær en gammal tullebokk"

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