HW: Earthed to the ground on Amphetamine St

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 7 13:59:26 EDT 2007

The amphetamine stuff was for me.
hW were fucking with me
my brock solo collection (they are both MASTERPIECES) lacks one
r u the right stuff?
or just a 35 year old?

On 5/7/07, Amphetamine Embalmer <superskrull666 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Listening to this Brock LP over and over, its the best thing since
> Levitation or Sonic Attack LPs, and its a real manifesto type smart anarcho
> Brocky thing really avant garde and accessible it shows what a force Brock
> is, equalled only by Edward Ka Spels similar themes in stuff like Under
> Triple Moons or Legendary Pink Box (disc 2) LPs....... great
> synth/guitar/acid type 80s stuff. Winter music,  atmospheric, could be
> midsummer too. Nik can  run off making noise with his little trumpeerthorn,
> he wouldnt come near the old fool.
> Christian (oh dear.... Mike C called me GOTHINA..... I am like the Time
> flower of Youth (DEATH))
> NP: Distant Horizons
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