The "Original" Space Ritual

vzenv14m maryann.sullivan1 at VERIZON.NET
Fri Nov 2 09:04:50 EDT 2007

This one's still a baby, and, yes, a cat can be a formidable opponent, but
he's hurt, so let's leave him alone till he gets better.  Let's get Mike a
nice meal before the match as well, the poor guy is nearly starving.  I
think the match is fairly even, both Mike and Trev are creative, shall we
start taking bets on the results?

Kill for Peace, (The Fugs)


P.S.  I think it'll come to a draw with body parts everywhere, and we'll
have to reassemble both Mike and Trev, wouldn't it be interesting if we
changed brains or some other things between the two?

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