Looking 4 improvisational dancer(s) 4 YULETIDE show: 12/28

Burro Mike sloterdijk at MSN.COM
Tue Nov 20 12:34:41 EST 2007

Looking for an improvisational dancers for YULETIDE show


Looking for an improvisational dancer or dancers for the event below. Sci-fi /fantasy or goth themes would be most appropriate. SLOTERDIJK LIVE YULETIDE show December 28th!! Plan 4 it now! SLOTERDIJKDecember, 28 2007 at Cherrywood Rock Club 1460 Blackwood Clementon Rd., Clementon, New Jersey 08021Cost : TBASLOTERDIJK will be performing a heavy show at this metal club in south Jersey. We will be utilizing a new lineup featuring three guitarists and bass. We are also referring to this show as a ’Yule Gathering’..Cheers! check out http://www.myspace.com/cherrywoodrock
lineup:Mike Burro: guitar/vocals/synth/programmingGreg Elwell: guitarKevin Gardner: guitarJeff Berry: bass

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