(OFF) Love/Missing PT/Kitty
insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 29 11:02:02 EDT 2007
i am gearing up for a fight
they panicked and the vet played into it
this cat is lively, hungry, happy, it just got wormed at the office, and
it's staying for the moment
the emergency vet also spotted flea eggs
no mention of the hiney
sorry about all this on list however I appreciate the responses 100000+
she has 4 cats and if it goes anywhere, ok with her, but think it's best
quiet with me for now, she's claiming spca friends which ainlt happnin', i
just talked to them
i'm afraid somebody else will see how precious it is and try to pry it
again, they were claiming exposure to something caustic causing burns which
it _sure as heck_ didn't get here, and further, it's front paws are fine,
and the stupid bandages they put were adhesive of all dumb things
only one remains, on the worst one, the other one now looks fine
On 10/29/07, Arin Komins <akomins at uchicago.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Oct 2007, DOG ROT ANIMAL wrote:
> :Subject: (OFF) Love/Missing PT/Kitty
> :
> :my new kitty suddenly and mysteriously develops two huge bleeding patches
> on
> :it's hinds
> :my friends who were taking me to the porcupine tree show which was the
> first
> :show in at least 5 years are rushing him to the hospital.......
> :i am not upset about the show, i just feel the damage of my life and wish
> to
> :cry for a while
> :i don't wish i kiiled anyone ever, it's just hard not to think that way
> :under certain conditions
> Cats have anal sacs on their rears which can get infected and burst open.
> That's be time for a vet :-)
> Arin
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arin Komins akomins at uchicago.edu
> Assistant Director - Solutions Architecture
> University of Chicago/NSIT/RP&A tel: (773)834-4087
> 1155 E. 60th St. #428, Chicago, IL 60637 fax: (773)702-0559
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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