(other) was cat herding and sexual content, now trading chit chat
mike coleman
insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 19 16:13:43 EDT 2007
Dear Chryndorf (an affectionate term),,,,you should know by now the post was
BS.....although, I will go way out on a limb and ask Ben to unmoderate you,
if he didn't already, and place you into my care????
(I found higher forces and while maybe not God, strong enough)(I can handle
Christian along with my fellow hordes)
2 things,,,,,,the rock fever's are still available!!! yours are used
(hehe)....but I might do it in the cases I have extras, so long as the first
one is the Warrior digipak....Hawkwind will allow me to get these because of
my credentials, thus, answer on-list.......
2nd, don't you dare part with what you love, that will make my therapy job
on you toooo hard as it's already almost out of my reach (thank god the
higher sunshine)
In case the Jewish religion was something that got you into suppresion (and
I don't know it was) remember what I told you about my powerful Jewish
friends, right here, not to mention in life
they are all "my joyful children", just like Nik (hehee) (even though he
found God first)
I have to admit some things, disgusting and nonsensical as it may come
across to the superiors (meaning most people on this list)
Eric Johnson is the only artist that ever got me to go see a show alone
Eric Johnson is the only artist that got me to listen to his music off the
Eric Johnson is the only artist with an album I like as much as Warrior on
The Edge Of Time
I want ALL his stuff, I want to trade you some things for his singles, etc
and Arin, I hope you read my stuff, since I ask if that YOUTUBE vid is the
one killing kitties...if it is, my hypocrytical friend Mark got scorching
mad when he heard I made a cat-killing joke here, but yet rolled in laughter
when showing me that vid.
if it's not, I may import it to the list if they promise not to get
I know blind chick would have a ultra-fit, but she can't see
On 9/19/07, Amphetamine Embalmer <superskrull666 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Well mike, You can have my damn useless and un-collectible Rock Fever and
> Sunrise pirates if you are willing to part with the Dojo and Charisma
> originals in a 1-1 trade.........
> Except the one with 2-1 CD....... (Quark/Astounding)
> I will not become Jewish unless I become a Rich And Famous Comics Artist
> like Joe Kubert, or a Jewish 'Rock God' like Eric Bloom........ The Monster
> Magnet stuff doesent matter to me at all, I can throw it in the
> trash...........
> Christian
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Mike Coleman <insect.brain at GMAIL.COM>
> Sent: Wednesday, 19 September, 2007 5:37:19 PM
> Subject: Re: Off: cat-herding
> it's your lucky day!!! I found the answer
> become Jewish, get photos to prove, sell ALL your MM gear, and this means
> T-
> shirts, even the spine of god one, and I'll help get you unmoderated
> all the prceeds go to Ben
> ------------------------------
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