OFF: Roadburn (was: Farflung - A Wound in Eternity)
Jonathan Jarrett
Tue Apr 29 09:13:47 EDT 2008
On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 02:16:58PM -0700, Keith Henderson typed out:
> <some kind recommendations of bands to see>
I could tell you all how it was, I suppose :-)
My recollections of Roadburn were fairly fuzzy even as it was
happening, I have to admit, and with various background things going on
I was in a fair state for most of the weekend psychologically. My
suggestion there would be, don't break up with the girl you're going to
the four-day festival with the day before you depart, and if it was
advice I could have followed, I would have. All the same, I did see
quite a lot of stuff and enjoyed quite a bit of it. Would people be
interested in the full review being posted here? It's quite long.
I'm afraid, Keith, I didn't see Earthless, though every time I
see their *name* a song by the same name by a band called The Druids of
Stonehenge, that I picked up from the lamented Freak Emporium years ago
just because of the name, starts to bounce and jangle along in my head.
> The four guys in Zone Six are some of my best friends,
> so I would be remiss in not recommending them. Very
> unbiased opinion of course! They are all-improv
> spacerock jamming, a la Oresund Space Collective, or
> Secret Saucer. And Ax Genrich, legendary guitarist
> from the original Guru Guru will play with them. He's
> a very talented player. But then, the Swedish band
> Witchcraft is on at the same time...they are an old
> throwback band with a nearly intact 1970 stoner sound,
> so check them out too if you can. La Ira de Dios is a
> Peruvian stoner/space rock band that should be worth a
> visit to be sure.
Zone Six were really cool, especially their very skinny camp
drummer (with eyeliner) who was having immense amounts of fun. I have
rarely seen a band save so many apparently stopping jams. Witchcraft I
have seen before, they throw back to nothing good IMO so we avoided
them. La Ira de Dios were excellent, blistering and heavy and
continuous, like the musical equivalent of being under a bridge as a
military convoy passes over it, played back at twice the speed. The
album I bought is much lighter, like a more melodious Heads. Weird
> Of course, Dave Anderson will be there on stage with
> the Groundhogs, if you want to ask him for your money
> back on any Demi Monde purchases. :) And finally,
> Earthless for your late night entertainment. They are
> a SoCal long-winded (LP-side length winding
> Sleep, with talent) stoner band, some
> connection to Nebula I think. Their first album was
> really cool (the black and white cover)...the latest
> one decent, but not as impressive IMHO...oddly enough,
> they cover the Groundhogs (Cherry Red) as a bonus
> track. Have fun!
I missed the Groundhogs, too, the room was just impenetrable by
then, but I have what is apparently one last chance to see them in
London in June so I'll have to make that. If only, as you say, to ask
for my money back on _Yuri Gagarin_ :-) Yours,
"When fortune wanes, of what assistance are quantities of elephants?"
(Juvaini, Afghan Muslim chronicler, c. 1206)
Jon Jarrett, Fitzwilliam Museum, jjarrett at
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