HW: Remaster everything on the Atomhenge Label

Steve Freight stevefreight at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 8 09:37:24 EDT 2008

Atco don't have the album version of Kings of Speed and have a slightly
longer intro to Magnu which makes the UK and US CD's the same length!

Motorhead tapes have (or had) disappeared (in smoke?) hence mastering of the
UK CD from vinyl and Motorhead on both UK and US CD's from the single.

Must check Anthology version of Motorhead to see if the scratch that is
evident on the Warrior has totally disappeared - not thought to check
before. If so then tapes have been found.


On 8/8/08, mike coleman <insect.brain at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/8/08, Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at carlaz.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 08 Aug 2008, at 04:08 , Steve Freight wrote:
> >
> >> I think I read somewhere that EMI own the recordings up to Warrior
> (there
> >> was some dispute when this was released outside of the EMI stable)
> >> Yes, it's been my understanding, too, that EMI don't own the Warrior
> >> rights.  I'm sure they would have given it the surprisingly lavish
> treatment
> >> their other albums got if they had owned it.  I can't now remember the
> >> details surrounding the rights for it -- though obviously Griffen got
> ahold
> >> of them at some poi
> >>
> >> The Atco master tapes which somehow different than the supposedly
> missing
> >> original United Artisits tapes.....
> >>
> >> ah, they'll show up!!!!   and if not I bet Dave can access the USA ones
> >> again if he were inclined, also if rights were involved, wonder who'd
> have
> >> them now?
> >>
> >

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