HW: Remaster everything on the Atomhenge Label

The Bishop Of Battle insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 8 13:33:00 EDT 2008

wonder if steve was comparing doremi's?? I like Simon King's version of it
here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doremi_Fasol_Latido
glad I got the German 1st UK press now, you can make war with that LP you
On 8/8/08, John Majka <jmajk at indy.rr.com> wrote:
> Hmmm quite an odd minority opinion about the One Way issues of the early
> albums, I'd say.  They were all mastered from vinyl, complete with pops and
> cracks.  My opinion is probably the same as that of most people, which is
> that they sounded terrible.  The Repertoire editions sounded somewhat
> better, but then I think that the EMI remasters were a revelation.  They
> sound as if ten layers of mud were removed from the master tapes, revealing
> the music in all its glory.
> John Majka
> I don't know if anyone considers this blasphemy, but I recently re-listened
>> to the old One Way and EMI discs and (admittedly without attempting any sort
>> of double blind scientific comparison) I once again acme away with a very
>> strong impression of liking the One Way releases better....
>> I think it might be that the sound of the OW releases is softer - the EMI
>> discs have a harsher, more brittle tone that sets my teeth on edge.
>> Steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at CARLAZ.COM>
>> Date: Friday, Aug 8, 2008 8:41 am
>> Subject: Re: HW: Remaster everything on the Atomhenge Label
>> To: Reply-    BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET>To:
>> On 08 Aug 2008, at 04:08 , Steve Freight wrote:
>> I think I read somewhere that EMI own the recordings up to Warrior
>> (there
>> was some dispute when this was released outside of the EMI stable)
>> Yes, it's been my understanding, too, that EMI don't own the Warrior
>> rights.  I'm sure they would have given it the surprisingly lavish
>> treatment their other albums got if they had owned it.  I can't now
>> remember the details surrounding the rights for it -- though
>> obviously Griffen got ahold of them at some point!
>> Cheers,
>> Carl
>> --
>> Carl Edlund Anderson
>> http://www.carlaz.com/

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