+++stop press+++advertising aid item french hassan+++one man isolator+++

Steve Swann swann1066 at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 22 14:47:44 EDT 2008

Oh, just because I whine about the loss of the grace and beauty of the LP format doesn't mean that I've actually bothered to fix my record player for the past 5 years....


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at CARLAZ.COM>
Date: Friday, Aug 22, 2008 12:36 pm
Subject: Re: +++stop press+++advertising aid item french hassan+++one man   isolator+++

On 22 Aug 2008, at 10:04 , Steve Swann wrote:
 If you're talking about the qualitative differences between cd and  
 vinyl, I'm totally with you - I miss everything about vinyl except  
 the maintenance - trying to get that last freaking speck of dust to  
 get rid off the pop it was causing  in the middle of a song used to  
 make me nuts.  But I miss the warmth of sound, the packaging/ 
 artwork... Examining the album sleeve as the record played was part  
 of the experience - CD "liner notes" have never cut it...

I'm a total heretic, having moved ever closer to the completely  
digital experience! ;)  I now just rip my CDs losslessly to my iTunes  
libaray, and then store the original CD away.  When possible, I buy  
lossless FLAC files for download and skip the CD entirely (though I  
refuse to buy lossy digital formats); the delivery is faster (and,  
where I am, more likely to arrive! ;)).  Everything sits on one giant  
hard disk and gets backed up to a second giant hard disk.  I think  
I'll shortly need to move up from the current 750 GB disks to 1 TB  
disks, though! :)


Carl Edlund Anderson

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