HW Space Ritual

Ian Abrahams ianabrahams1 at YAHOO.CO.UK
Fri Dec 19 04:23:26 EST 2008

Honestly, I think you've really missed the point here... a live gig is a live gig, it's for the people who turn up and enjoy the event - which I know people who attended did enjoy... so that's the context of the show and it was a fantastic event and, really, 'end of story'. Great to get a show to listen to afterwards but that's always out of context.
It wasn't 'crap'... it just wasn't... sorry!
You say it didn't work for you and other people... you weren't there! It wasn't assembled to be picked over on a bootleg, it was put on for people to go and get a buzz from on the day... please, context, always context!  :)

--- On Fri, 12/19/08, bernhard.pospiech <bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE> wrote:

From: bernhard.pospiech <bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE>
Subject: Re: HW Space Ritual
Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 8:41 AM

Hi there !!

I believe that you and the others wanted to do the best.
I also believe that the band and the folks had lot of fun. 

As I mentioned before most people on stage are great musicians and friedly

But unfortunately the output was crap.

I am sorry to say this.
Have listend to the recording a couple of times and it doesn't get better.

It was indeed an unrehearsed performance.

A big party for the great ROB CALVERT.
I am sorry that it musically did not work (for me and lot of fans I know)


-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
Behalf Of trev
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: HW Space Ritual

ha ha ha

 the only hope for this gig is if judge trev plays his tribute song
"starfighter",  for bob calvert,  before hawklords take the stage
because it
is bobs absence which will be the most noticeable

and surely you saw me at herne bay bernhard, didn't you feel the power
...the truth...didn't i induce a state of self-trancendence...didn't it
change your life forever

actually the herne bay line up was good, much better than usual

judge trev

From: "Colin Allen" <colinjallen at YAHOO.CO.UK>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: HW Space Ritual

> Were you at the Herne Bay gig, Bernhard?
> --- On Thu, 18/12/08, bernhard.pospiech 
> <bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE>
> wrote:
> From: bernhard.pospiech <bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE>
> Subject: Re: HW Space Ritual
> Date: Thursday, 18 December, 2008, 12:31 PM
> Hi there
> This show is a good idea but if they play as bad as they did in Herne 
> Bay than it will be a waste of money.
> It was an absolutely crap performance.
> The only highlight was Jerry Richards
> I only see one chace for this event to be successfull.
> Playing without Nik Turner
> He is the one who ruins every gig.
> I am sorry to say it but it is the truth
> Bernhard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List 
> On
> Behalf Of Ian Abrahams
> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 1:14 PM
> Subject: Re: HW Space Ritual
> I've got no real insight, but I think the band we are talking about is

> basically the band as performed at Herne Bay for the Calvert tribute, 
> playing the music of the Space Ritual... seems like an excellent 
> prospect to me and I have absolutely no problem putting money into 
> Nik's pocket (and the rest of the guys involved)... in fact, given the

> performance at Herne Bay...
> personally I'd be delighted to put money in their pocket! :)
> --- On Thu, 12/18/08, SHLL (Scott Heller) <shll at HAGEDORN.DK> wrote:
> From: SHLL (Scott Heller) <shll at HAGEDORN.DK>
> Subject: HW Space Ritual
> Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 10:55 AM
> Hej
> How I would love to come and see this but seeing as it will hardly 
> have any of the original band:
> No lemmy, no calvert, no brock, no stacia, most likely not Simon King 
> that means it will be:
> Nik, maybe Del Dettmar, Dik Mik.. probably only Nik... I don't 
> actually see the point except to put some cash into Niks pocket and 
> those surrounding the event.....
> And I will not likely travel from Denmark to see it.. Let's see what 
> the details bring...before making final judgement.
> scott

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