(HW) Collector post/ French Hassan
insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Thu Feb 21 23:47:24 EST 2008
upon conversing with one of my contactees, it turns out that I not only KNOW
who was giving French Hassans out at shows from a suitcase, but am also
friends with that person (I hope, still) and actually hung out with him at
the Brixton Hawkestropera, and so it would appear that item is really a
promo despite having 2 songs
FoFP could you supply me a recording of it at some point???
I can hear the subtle differences and such, and enjoy them
that person is also, or at least WAS the owner of the Uruguay (sp?) Mt.
Grill that has the inner sleeve photos on the back cover
I am so pissed off that somebody overbid me on a yellow label Mt. Grill, and
nobody's kitty dies since I have made a complete conversion to cat-lover
they are still sneaky sons-a-bitches, and anyone who thinks their excrement
is a superior situation to dogs is lying to themselves or else they ignore
certain smells, etc
it's clump clump clump clump clump clump clump clump clump (even if I had an
elctro-sweep, I'd still want it OUT!!!!)
previous post correction: when I asked aloud if the great Ande T still had
the French Hassan, my bad again, I meant Italian
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