HW-USA Warrior (vinyl) related questions (now DJ versions)

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 7 18:31:39 EST 2008

for some reason, the DJ versions play crackly.....I think I got one promo
one that wasn't too bad
there are variations on all those, which are basically the same variations
on the standard copies
so here lies more data:
3 USA pressings
most easily identified this way
1) tracks listed underneath spindle hole
2) one track listed above spindle hole
3) 2 tracks listed above hole
this memory is sparked by German friend's 2 copies and is subject to memory
distort, flaming acceptable if found in error
*Warning to posssible ATCO LP persuants:*
*you will never find a perfect playing copy and trying to do so will likely
land you in a mental ward*
*and Mary, (btw, there is another Mare on Sloterdijk's friends list), as I
told you, if yours is totally burnt I'll likely replace it for you with this
one, not perfect, but not terrible*
*further blabber: when I said my test-press was different, it is surely from
the ATCO masters, but the vinyl must be different because the sound will, in
one of my favorite sayings now "knock your ass out", there is a certain
sonic brightness, unique to that one record (and I recall it played
CLEEEEAN, unlike the Atco LP's)*
*further questions: why would a 45 test-press contain 2 different bands???*
*statement: the Lord Of Light 45 I was reporting on is NOT german, it's
AUSTRIAN.....I guess some of you knew that but I didn't.......the eyeroll
goes on......*

On 1/7/08, mike coleman <insect.brain at gmail.com> wrote:
> *time to find: 2 seconds*
> On 1/7/08, vzenv14m <maryann.sullivan1 at verizon.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Mike,
> > As you know, the D.J. copy I have, which was well worn when I got it
> > does
> > have a pause between the songs, and I heard it that way for years, and
> > always thought the 2 songs should be edited together.  Good luck in
> > finding
> > a copy.
> >
> > I hope all's well with you, and the little guy, call if you want to.
> >
> > KF
> >

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