mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 23 16:14:19 EDT 2008

On 7/23/08, M Holmes <fofp at> wrote:
> mike coleman writes:
> > > he also tells me that on at least one occasion LSD was vaporized onto
> the
> > > crowd
> I bet only the CIA have done something so ridiculously stupid.
> FoFP
> Hey just because I'm over-the-hill, and untrustworthy to the young hippies
> and headed for the geriatric towers soon, doesn't mean I'm not progressive,
> I want Mary to have her full experience, that's why I only ask that it be
> done person by person in little booths.....

I didn't believe any of it either which was one of the reasons I tried to
stop the flow of these things even getting formed verbally, but as of this
morining I am told that a brown note can be traced to Phil Lesh.....I give

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