OFF: TMTYL (now off)

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Fri Jun 20 13:50:35 EDT 2008

On 20 Jun 2008, at 12:23 , mike coleman wrote:
> I don't download anything nor know how even if this old Dell with  
> windows 98
> would do it

Probably "yes", though might quickly fill up your hard-drive.   
Virtually all the new music I've acquired in the last 8 months or so  
has been downloaded -- mostly freely available live recordings (of  
which there are _vast_ quantities).  The CD shops where I am are  
pretty much limited to a fairly mainstream selection, and not a very  
wide mainstream at that.  Mail ordering CDs and DVDs to my local  
address is .... fraught with peril (ordering books seems safer,  
though.)  On the other hand, I have plenty of broadband internet on  
tap!  I can successfully buy downloads from places like but ... except the limited releases available  
purchase at through such outfits, it's bizarre that I could download  
pirated copies of many releases with almost infinite more ease than I  
could buy them!  Labels or musicians or both are seriously missing  
out by not vending CD-quality (or better) digital downloads more  
widely.  (Yeah, I'm sure the average punter is happy with a 128kbps  
single of the moment, but there remains a sizable market of people  
who want good quality digital audio, and the overhead costs required  
to reach that market are quite minimal by modern standards.)

Oh, well!  I can beat this ragged old horse carcass to death  
forever ..... ;)


Carl Edlund Anderson

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