Lemmy documentary

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Wed May 28 16:39:25 EDT 2008

don't worry too much, IMHO it would be all but impossible for Lemmy not  to
plug Hawkwind to one degree or another, though likely not without his
somehwhat standard poke
it was at Nik the last time I saw a TV show, making fun of Nik in the
frogsuit and falling offstage into a 'mote' with Stacia in hot pursuit
he may still be nervy about the "Brixton Medleys"
not to forget Lemmy never wanted to leave Hawkwind, so we are told.....
besides, we should just get a Hawkwind one made for us anyway, maybe a DVD,
whatever...(I mean, if they'd do it)

On 5/28/08, gary shindler <bewlay68 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Didn't see Mr. Brock's name mentioned...
> http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003807346

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