OFF: Re: Dio, Maiden, etc.

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Wed Sep 10 11:48:02 EDT 2008

On 10 Sep 2008, at 07:17 , Steve Swann wrote:
> I always confuse DoD and AMOLAD just because of the names and  
> thenatic similarity, but if I recall correctly I think I agree with  
> you.  DoD has Paschandale which I think is overall my favorite Iron  
> Maiden song (even over and above my previous favorites like The  
> Trooper, Flight of Icarus, Number of the Beast and Run to the  
> Hills) but (assuming I'm not conflating them yet again) :) I think  
> _A Matter..._ is overall a better album.

AMOLAD has stuff like "For the Greater Good of God", "Brighter Than a  
Thousand Suns" .... Yeah, DoD is pretty solid and "Paschandale" is  
stupendous, though I think AMOLAD edges it out for me as a totality.


Carl Edlund Anderson

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