OFF: Latest casualty in the loudness wars

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Wed Sep 17 11:10:42 EDT 2008

I rather expected the new Metallica to be outrageously over- 
compressed, and what I heard certainly didn't disappoint my  
expectation (in contrast with my ears ;)).  Interesting that the  
Guitar Hero version is better, though!  I wouldn't have predicted  
that.  I wonder what the explanation is (beyond the obvious that the  
versions of the tracks sent to the gaming people went out before the  
versions for the CD were "smashed to f**k").


On 17 Sep 2008, at 09:16 , Paul Mather wrote:
> Steve Swann, look away now... :-)
> metallica.guitar.hero.loudness.war

Carl Edlund Anderson

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