best fan recorded shows

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Tue Apr 7 09:18:47 EDT 2009

On 07 Apr 2009, at 00:41 , john-paul wrote:
> i tried using dimeadozen but its so complicated ( to me anyway )

Yeah, I found dimeadozen quite "user surly". I'd download a show and  
keep it available for torrenting from my machine, but then no one  
would stream it from me, and so my ratio would suck, and then I  
couldn't download anything else!  I tried uploading a show or two as  
well, but some things had tracks that had been released on some  
obscure compilation that I'd never heard of (which usually takes some  
doing!) and so the torrent would get yanked, or I would successfully  
upload a clean show, but then my ratio again would barely break 1.0.   
So I've kind of given up on dimeadozen.  Hell, they managed to make  
bittorrenting _harder_ for me than ordering a CD, which is not easily  
done! ;)


Carl Edlund Anderson

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